
Know that light travels from a source

Know that a luminous source gives out light; and some examples

Know that we see things only when light from them enters our eyes

Know the difference between luminous and illuminated.

Know that light travels in straight lines;:

Know how to show the direction light is travelling.

Know how to draw simple diagrams to show that light rays, travelling in straight lines, enter the eye(s) directly from the luminous object

Know what the words transparent and opaque mean.

Know how shadows are formed

Investigate the effect of some factors that could change the size and shape of a shadow – e.g. different distances between source, object and screen

Be able to carry out a fair test to investigate the size of a shadow.

Be able to draw a graph to show results.

Know that light is reflected from surfaces [e.g. mirrors, polished metals]

Know what happens to the direction of light when it hits a mirror.

Know why we can see things in mirrors.

Know how to use rays to show how we can see things in mirrors.

Know how to test surfaces to see if they are good at reflecting light.

Know which surfaces are good at reflecting light.

Know how to make surfaces reflect light better.